Kissa Aamir Aur Olympic Torch Ka…

By this morning, the world and the sundry have read the news about Aamir Khan and his Olympic Torch story. Ok, now what exactly are these people trying to do? I mean, the man breathes and the rest of world spits fire. It looks like the dragon breathes and the dragon-slayer spits fire. (Why does that vaguely, alright, very strongly sound like Sidhuism? J)

Whoa!!! Give the man a break, you guys. This is a democratic country and he has as much rights as any guy on the road to have his opinions, his views and he’s allowed to speak too, right? Just like you and me. Oh, and he’s supposed to be diplomatic and not speak his mind or heart out for that matter, when we can shoot off what we feel like. The elderly uncle next door says something, are we, like, gonna sit in front of his house and do a picket fence act? You wouldn’t, isn’t it? So why are these people crucifying this man?

Come on, people, it’s Olympics for heaven’s sake and how many of us really understand that it’s about human spirit, games and nothing to do politicization of any kind of issue. Of course I’m all for Tibet people, if I were to take up any side, it would be for Tibet and not against it. But that still wouldn’t give me any right to tell that this man doesn’t care two cents about the Tibetans just because he’s participating the torch relay. On the contrary, he says his heart goes out for them. May sound a tad too dramatic and filmy, we could always give him the benefit of doubt. It looks like either the guy attracts trouble at the same speed any socialite would change their mind or it is one man against the rest of the politicians. Again, filmy ain’t it? Whatever, let’s stop picking up the cudgels against this one since it’s giving more mileage than ever for the cause.

Agreed we don’t need an Aamir Khan to bring awareness for this issue. Agreed we don’t need this dude for to wake people up. But let’s not deny the fact that this guy has not tried to be politically correct and ultra-diplomatic like one particular cricket star. Thank God there are some people who are a bit genuine. And even if Aamir isn’t actually campaigning for Tibet, isn’t it up to him to decide which cause he wants to attach himself to? Anyways before those of you out there put him on the witch’s stake, you’ve got to read his blog here.

Published in: on April 24, 2008 at 12:14 pm  Comments (2)  
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  1. […] Original post by sowmyashayanam […]

  2. That was a frank and clear statement, which though not loud has carried away the message of asking the people to carry your spirit, despite the world’s laws of hypocrisy demands to bend down and also asking the people to listen to that, if not respect that. Sadly, in the current world of democracy, there has been numerous incidents like this.

    Let the man follow his heart, his instinct. we are not masters of any but of ourselves….

    Keep going Sowmya..!!

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